General knowledge for practical exams PART THREE.

This is our third and final worksheet blog before the ANZCA exams on Wednesday May 27th.
This worksheet focuses on simple signs and terms that can appear in music.
Download the worksheet and match up the following answers. As always bring the completed worksheet to your lessons for marking.
Signs and terms:
Piano – Soft
Forte – Loud
Mezzo Piano – moderately soft
Mezzo Forte – moderately loud
Fortissimo – very loud
Crescendo – gradually getting louder
Diminuendo – gradually getting softer
Sharp – raises the pitch of a note by a semitone (half step)
Flat – Lowers the pitch of a note by a semitone (half step)
Natural – cancels a sharp or a flat
(the group term for sharps, flats and naturals is: accidentals)
Staccato – play the note short and detached
Accent – play the note a little louder
Ritard – ritardando – gradually becoming slower
Legato slur – play the notes smoothly and connected
Tenuto – hold note for its full value
Pause (fermata) hold note longer than its value
8va – Play one octave higher
Tie – play the first note and hold for the value of the second note as well.