CS Music Colouring Competition

Pencil, pen, paint or crayon - colour in pictures and send them to us for your chance to win a prize! Winning pictures will be displayed on the Caroline Spring School of Music website.
What You Can Win
First Place – $50 gift voucher
Second place – $25 gift voucher
Third place – Stationery Pack
How to Enter
1. Download and print a colouring picture
2. Colour in your picture with as much colour and creativity as you like.
3. Write your first name and age anywhere on the picture
4. Send it to us by either:
taking a nice big photo of the picture or
scanning the picture and then emailing it to us at csmusic@bigpond.com
Or hand into your teacher or admin.
Enter as many times as you like!
How Winning Works
We'll pick the winners based on the pictures we like the most out of all the wonderful entries.
We encourage entries from the littlest ones all the way up to the big kids.
Download Colouring Sheet Here: